ESG+ express

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They’re like hamsters running on a wheel, and they can’t focus on anything else because any stumble could be fatal.

The company requires strong leadership, well-defined processes, cohesive teams, and effective delegation of operational tasks. This is the only way to elevate the company to new heights.

Governance practices must be strengthened to ensure the organization’s sustainable development.

Previously isolated good socio-environmental practices can now be integrated into the core business strategy.

By establishing a strong governance framework, these impacts can be systematically managed and scaled up to achieve broader corporate goals.

We suggests the following path:

1.1 Financial
1.2 Innovation
1.3 Communication
1.4 Partners Selection
1.5 Security
1.6 Recruitment
1.7 Community Management

2.1 Governance Compliance
2.2 Political Participation
2.3 Social Compliance
2.4 Ethics and Compliance
2.5 Working Environment
2.6 Career
2.7 Environmental Compliance

3.1 Essencial Resources
3.2 Climate Change
3.3 Circular Economy
3.4 Environmental Compensation
3.5 Social Give back
3.6 Community Engagement
3.7 Environmental Give back

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ESG+ express v 0.3.7


Estimated duration: 10 minutes | Collaborative Progress Licenseª


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Categoria: ESG+ express

1) How many FINANCIAL activities listed below does your organization currently performs?

1. Revenue is not dependent on a single product or service.
2. The company enjoys a stable monthly recurring revenue that can lead to management complacency.
3. The company has enough cash on hand to operate for at least 12 months and can cover all termination costs (employees, rent, etc.) if it decides to cease operations.
4. The company has a diversified investment portfolio across various asset classes and markets, minimizing the risk of losses.

Categoria: ESG+ express

2) How many INNOVATION activities listed below does your organization currently performs?

1. The quality of our work captivates customers, providing a significant competitive advantage.
2. Engages in 'give first' initiatives such as scientific research, partnerships with startups, startup programs, startup recruitment, and startup acquisitions.
3. Actively engages in the innovation ecosystem by providing sponsorship, support, and donations to events, tenders, and awards.
4. Conducts market research to gain insights into market trends, customer behavior, and competitive positioning.

Categoria: ESG+ express

3) How many COMMUNICATION activities listed below does your organization currently performs?

1. Internal communication fosters team alignment by keeping everyone informed about the organization's strategic goals and objectives.
2. The company organizes events, produces written content, provides sponsorship and support for events, and maintains a newsletter to foster organic brand awareness and visibility.
3. It communicates the organization's mission, vision, and values to customers and measures how well these messages are received through research.
4. Allocates advertising budget to platforms including search engines, email, social media, influencer collaborations, television, radio, and other channels.

Categoria: ESG+ express

4) How many PARTNER SELECTION activities listed below does your organization currently performs?

1. Takes the time to evaluate a potential business partner before forming a partnership.
2. Assesses the environmental impact of the potential business partner's operations.
3. Evaluates the social impact of the prospective business partner.
4. Maintains multiple business partnerships for redundancy.

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